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What are Blockchain Oracles? Definition, Examples

In the world of blockchain technology, one concept that is gaining increasing importance is that of blockchain oracles. These are specialized tools that serve as a link between the blockchain and the external world, enabling the blockchain to interact with and obtain data from outside sources.

How do Blockchain Oracles Work? 

Blockchain oracles act as bridges between smart contracts or decentralized applications (DApps) running on a blockchain and real-world data or external systems. The primary role of an oracle is to securely fetch and validate data from off-chain sources and deliver it to the blockchain. By doing so, oracles allow blockchain networks to access real-time information, which is crucial for making informed decisions and executing smart contracts based on accurate and up-to-date data.

Types of Blockchain Oracles

 There are two main types of blockchain oracles: inbound oracles and outbound oracles.

  1. Inbound Oracles: Inbound oracles deliver external data to the blockchain. They retrieve information from off-chain sources, such as APIs, sensors, web services, or traditional databases, and feed it into the blockchain network. Inbound oracles play a critical role in providing data for smart contracts that require real-world information.
  2. Outbound Oracles: Outbound oracles enable the blockchain to interact with the outside world by transmitting data from the blockchain to external systems. They facilitate the execution of actions triggered by smart contracts, such as sending notifications, updating databases, or triggering events in other systems. Outbound oracles play a vital role in ensuring seamless integration between blockchain applications and external services.

Why Do We Need  Blockchain Oracles? 

Blockchains are known for their immutability and trustlessness, but they lack the ability to directly access data from the external world. However, numerous decentralized applications and smart contracts require real-time data, such as market prices, weather conditions, stock prices, and more. This is where blockchain oracles play an important role.

By providing a secure and reliable way to interact with external data sources, blockchain oracles bridge the gap between on-chain and off-chain worlds. They allow blockchain applications to make informed decisions based on real-time data and execute actions accordingly. This expands the usability and functionality of blockchain networks, making them more versatile and applicable in various domains.

Applications of Blockchain Oracles

Blockchain oracles find applications in diverse fields, such as finance, supply chain management, insurance, gaming, and more. Here are a few examples:

  1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi applications heavily rely on oracles to fetch accurate price feeds for cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and other assets. This data is crucial for executing decentralized exchanges, lending and borrowing protocols, yield farming, and more.
  2. Supply Chain Management: Blockchain oracles can provide real-time tracking and verification of goods as they move through the supply chain. This helps enhance transparency, traceability, and efficiency by ensuring that data from various checkpoints is securely recorded on the blockchain.
  3. Insurance: Oracles play a significant role in enabling parametric insurance contracts. These contracts automatically trigger payouts when specific pre-defined conditions are met. Oracles provide the necessary data to verify if these conditions have been fulfilled, such as weather conditions during a flight delay or crop yield for agricultural insurance.
  4. Gaming and NFTs: In the world of blockchain-based gaming and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), oracles facilitate real-time updates of in-game assets, enable provable randomness, and enable secure verification of ownership and transfers.

Examples of Blockchain Oracles:

  1. Chainlink: Chainlink is one of the most prominent blockchain oracle providers. It offers a decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts with real-world data, APIs, and off-chain systems. Chainlink’s oracle network consists of numerous independent node operators that retrieve and verify data from external sources, ensuring high reliability and security.
  2. Band Protocol: Band Protocol is another popular blockchain oracle solution. It enables developers to create and customize decentralized oracles that fetch data from various sources. Band Protocol supports a wide range of data types, including price feeds, weather data, sports scores, and more. It aims to provide scalable and customizable oracle solutions for different blockchain platforms.
  3. Oracleize: Oracleize is an oracle service provider that offers a secure and reliable way to obtain external data for blockchain applications. It allows developers to create custom oracle contracts on the Ethereum blockchain and fetch data from APIs and web services. Oracleize has been used in various domains, including finance, gaming, and prediction markets.
  4. Augur: Augur is a market prediction platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. It utilizes oracles to obtain real-world data for resolving prediction market outcomes. Participants can create and participate in prediction markets by staking cryptocurrency. Augur’s oracles provide the necessary information for determining the outcome of events, such as election results or sports scores.
  5. Oraclize (now rebranded as Provable): Oraclize, now known as Provable, is a blockchain oracle service that facilitates the integration of external data into smart contracts. It supports various blockchain platforms, including Ethereum and Bitcoin, and provides access to data from web APIs, external servers, and other off-chain sources. Provable offers a simple and secure way to fetch and verify data on the blockchain.

These are just a few examples of blockchain oracle providers and platforms. It’s worth noting that the blockchain ecosystem is continuously evolving, and new oracle solutions may emerge to cater to specific use cases and blockchain networks.


Blockchain oracles serve as vital components for connecting blockchain networks with the real world. They bridge the gap between on-chain and off-chain data, allowing smart contracts and decentralized applications to interact with real-time information and external systems. With their ability to securely fetch and validate data, blockchain oracles have found applications in various domains such as DeFi, supply chain management, insurance, gaming, and more. As blockchain technology continues to evolve and expand, the importance of blockchain oracles in enabling data-driven decisions and seamless integration with the outside world is only expected to grow.

Ruchi Tomar
Ruchi Tomar
A full time blogger from last 1 year. experienced in content writing.


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